Abundance Pool


The Community

Abundance Pool is made to be a support for many communities but the main connecting mentality is:

This earth is sacred and we honor this planet and all of its natural beings and eco-systems. 

We all want to regenerate, steward and care for the earth along side any of our passions. We all are teaming to find more sustainable ways of living in collaboration with the earth and we listen to all emotions and feelings along the way. 

We are introspective and take responsibility for our own inner-emotions while also showing up for each other in healthy and supportive ways. It’s not always easy but it does become easier when you have overcome the separators within self.

Connection is where abundance can serve us the most.

Connection doesn’t have to require you to sacrifice yourself for it. How can we show up in connecting in the most supportive ways for all.

Abundance surrounds us, how do we truly connect to that abundance?

Sometimes just slowing down and letting go of the stress of doing can allow you to connect.

Life is not all about work, life is about connection and being willing to participate with passion. The earth and eco-systems have always wanted to collaborate with us. The natural systems of earth are designed to thrive along with us. We want to tap into that ancient wisdom and truly honor our sacred earth.

Inner feelings and emotions are important messages and our body holds those feelings and emotions so beautifully. We also honor the body and its many ways of communicating with us. 

We cannot ignore the inner world because it is what allows us to connect to our outer world more beautifully and fully. Everything is connected which is why we pay attention to it all.

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